Smiling girl with dog.

Animals certainly communicate through their body language and maybe animals have their own language with meows and barks. I’m  not versed in “bark” or “meow” the way Dr. Doolittle is.  What I am well versed in is feeling subtle energies with my heart.

I call it a heart language. I make a heart-to-heart connection with an animal and then listen (with my heart) for feelings, thoughts, sensations, pictures that come through and translate that into “human-speak”.

Think about it this way – our ears are amazing organs that convert sound (a gross energy) into something our brains can then translate.  You hear the sound “chair” with your ears and that gets converted to “the thing I sit on”.

Our hearts are amazing organs that can “hear” subtle energies which our brains can then translate.  The energy of the word “chair” (or the feeling sadness, or the color red, etc…)  is the same across the whole planet.  So whether you are hearing the energy “chair” with your ears or with your heart it still means “the thing I sit on”.

Eileen holding her kittens.I  have a natural aptitude to listen to subtle energies with my heart and then convert them to words for others to understand. In fact, we all have this ability, most don’t know it, it’s trained out of us. But it is not magic (although it feels magical). Everything is made up of energy and every energy can be felt with the heart. That also means I don’t have to know French if your animal has only heard French their whole life to talk with them.  Heart language is universal!

I  wanted to put this exquisite sensitivity to good use by communicating with animals (and all of nature).  It brings me great joy to be able to connect all of Life in this way.

If you’d like to set up an animal communication session with me go to the “Ready to Get Started” page.  If you have other questions, I’d love to hear from you; email me at